First posting from an unfamilliar keyboard. No time change,here i am on the second day of my 5days borneo run, very much at home with negligible time change from home.Maintaining 8 hours ahead of the greenwich meridian, and a few longitute to the east of home only brings the sun up earlier in the morn, with the rest of the tropical element remaining unchanged.
To the unfamiliar,Borneo, being the third largest island in the world, is of the western Pacific Ocean in the Malay Archipelago between the Sulu and Java seas.The sultanate of Brunei is on the northwest coast; the rest of the island is divided between Indonesia and Malaysia.
Ok...geography aside...
Tonite is very well..a notin to do nite..the rest are basically to worn out for any actions.And thence...me and this darn blog.Its me in the business lounge at the Parkcity Royal in Miri ,figuring hard what the hell there is to blog.And well..plagiarism is just splendid for times like this.This would be a cut and paste art on something which i find rather familliar, and well, may just prove educational to you sorry arse out there.Help yourselves.
What Women Say & What They Really Mean
1)She says: "I don't want to ruin our friendship."What she means: I am not attracted to you, or I don't feel enough chemistry to date you -- but I do like you as friend.
Why she does this: She probably does want to remain friends, but doesn't want to hurt your feelings by admitting that she doesn't feel the same attraction for you.
What you should do: Don't take it personally; she just doesn't feel the same chemistry as you do. Take the hint and work on being friends with her, if that's what you want.
2)She says: "I'm just so busy with work right now." What she means: I am not interested in fitting you into my schedule.
Why she does this: She wants to let you down easy. Instead of being blunt, she is hoping you'll just get the picture.
What you should do: When a woman likes a man, she will always find time for him -- no matter what her schedule is like. So don't kid yourself into thinking that the situation might change. Instead, move on right away.
She says: "Are you seeing anyone right now?" What she means: I might like to submit an application for the position of your girlfriend.
Why she does this: She wants to make sure she is not wasting her precious flirting energy man who is already spoken for.
What you should do: Answer honestly, and then hit her up for her phone number.
3)She says: "Do you really want to go to that restaurant/movie/dinner party?" What she means: I really don't want to go to.
Why she does this: She doesn't want to go, but she doesn't want to appear stubborn either. She is probably hoping you'll sense her hesitation and come up with an alternate plan that pleases her.
What you should do: If you have your heart set on going to that particular destination, stick to your guns. Otherwise, you might want to switch up in order to please her. Remember this: If you keep her happy, she'll keep you happy.
She says: "You have a knack for dealing with kids. They really seem to respond to you." What she means: I am contemplating eventually having children with you and am wondering where you stand in that department.
Why she does this: An indirect question is her way of feeling you out without freaking you out.
What you should do: Don't freak out. She is probably thinking very distantly into the future.however, you absolutely positively know that you never want kids, this would be a good time to say it.
4)She says: "Where is this relationship going?" What she means: I would like us to graduate to a more serious, exclusive relationship.
hy she does this: She wants you to be the one to suggest exclusivity.
What you should do: This depends on whether or not you actually want exclusivity. If so, suggest it. If not, let her know that you care about her, but are not interested in being exclusive right now.
5)She says: "I feel so close to you right now. You know me so well." What she means: I am starting to feel the l-word, but I don't want to be the first to say it.
Why she does this: It's a scary thing to be the first to say "I love you." It's much easier for her to hint and hope that you'll take the plunge first.
What you should do: Do not -- under any circumstances -- say the l-word if you don't mean it. If you do feel it, then go ahead; otherwise, don't say anything. In the long run, you'll be happy not to get entangled in such a lie.
6)She says: "I feel like our relationship is stuck in a routine right now." What she means: I want you to be more romanticand spontaneous, and surprise me more. I need you to pay more attention to my needs.
Why she does this: She doesn't want to hurt your feelings and admit that you are, in part, the cause of the rut.
u should do: You don't need to change your personality entirely, but it wouldn't kill you to surprise her every once in a while. Call her out of the blue and tell her you're taking her for dinner on a spontaneous weekend away, or just surprise her with her favorite chocolates.
7)She says: "Do you get along well with your mother?" What she means: Are you a family man?
Why she does this: A man who gets along with his mother tends to be more loyal, sensitive and devoted -- at least that's the stereotype that a lot of women buy.
you should do: Talk about how close you and your mother are; you could even tell a stories. Just enough to affirm that yes, you get along with her.
With regards to the original author, i dedicate such astounding breakthrough in modern day science, and such delicate task of deciphering the ambiguos language of women.(to those uninformed, 'women' shares a common origin and ancestral form with the tribal Qu of Ranai, commonly known for having means of communication so complex, that Universiti Kebangsaan, led by Prof.Majid Harun Yahya from Fakulti Kajian Komunikasi was called in to uncode their arbitrary signals and language.
I'm bored.It explains it.
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